Wednesday, 7 April 2010

My Big & Small sins

ok what re your big and small sins?......cos God knows i dont commit big sins like Iniquity and stuff.....i only tell really small white lies.....once in a month.......u know......Is dat how you are as well......lolllll

ok so some time ago i remember having a discussion at fellowship...about how big others sins were and how small ours were in comparence....(at least thats what we tell ourselves)

It was amazing to find out that we christians are very good at categorising and been judgemental to other people classifying them as big sinners while we were not....

so a liar looks at a fraudster and says to his conscience....ohhh am i better than the fraudster who steals....i just tell a little lie ever so often.....and the fraudster looks onto the Fornicator and says to himself i only do fraud ones in a while to provide for the family God Gave i am the head and not the tail...

then the fornicator tells himself at least i will marry her one day so i am just sampling my goods before the original day,(there is nothing really wrong with that it????)but at least i am not an adulterer sleeping with another woman while i was married....that must be far worst in Gods Book..

then the wife or friend only says to herself i only gossip when i am very angry or bored and that only happens few days a its a small sin....i mean we tell ourselves other people commit bigger sins by sleeping with their friends husband or by committing abortion.....but me i only gossip.....and spread rumours about that is not so bad compared to what she did.......

i mean really the list of our classification goes on and on......

so really who owes who accountability, as we re constantly comparing our selves to others to make ourselves feel in everywork of our lifes...we compare partners....we compare kids.....we compare wealth....we compare cars....we compare we have learnt to do in our sins as well......classifying Iniquity as bigger sins and liars as small sin.......

I know this perfect life we inspire to live in christ can only be given to us by the spirit of christ...but why not remove the "plank in our eyes first before removing the sawdust in anothers eyes".....

Has it says in Rev 22: 14
( Blessed are they that do his commandment, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city, for outside are dogs, sorcerers and whoremongers, and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loves and tell a lie)

for me this passage classifies from the biggest of atrocities of sin to the smallest....i mean from Murderers, witchcraft to whoever told a lie.....(Just one lie) in other words we re all sinners....small sinners if it makes u feel better or a big sinner....In Gods Word there is no classification of sin....Its under one law.....

But Gods Mercy is so great.....that if we bring our sins before him he is merciful and graceful to forgive......of our sins....

Pls let us try and perfect our ways to be first good people..good neighbours...good friends...good wifes and husbands to each other .....before carrying the banner of christ in other peoples faces.....lets not make christians a bad example to the world......Let the Goodwill of Christs name be evident in our ways of life....our attitude towards others.....and not just in church on sunday or where other christians are gathered to exhibit our best christlike behaviour......But everywhere....May the Holy spirit perfect our ways in christ.....(Amen)...

Have a lovely day everyone.......

Monday, 5 April 2010


I watch you as you sleep

How perfect are your smiles....

how imcomprehensible the happiness,

the peace, the Joy.

How much of a Miracle you are,

How it was all worth it....

all the aches, all the cry, all the agony

How specially and wonderfully made you are

How much i love you, How much i needed much i ached to have u.....

How glorious is his love, How bountiful his mercy

How it was all worth it, ohhhh How it was all worth it.......

To my yet so tiny LE........

Sunday, 4 April 2010

My First Time

Hello everyone,

So i am new to this, although i have continuously speculated for years if i should own a blog or not...i just couldnt well i finally got over my fears and procastinating nature and actually got down to it....

sincerely am not sure about what i should be writing, but i am thinking as time goes on, it will take shape...guess it will be a mixture of stories, testimonies daily heart pours,proverbs, poems, revelations, lamentations all the works....

ok a bit about myself....I am a christian reciding in the United Kingdom..i continuously ask for Gods strength to perfect my ways with i strive to be a Good person, a better & developing christian, I am a wife to the most amazing Man on the planet (at least i think) and a mother to the most adorable baby girl in the world...

Well recently i have come to realise that the more you strive to be a better christian, the harder it is to fit into this so called world of ours....from fashion, to hair extensions, to makeup...even to keeping some friends, to music....everything really just gets affected...and ur spirit will query you about some things which u have convinced urself to think its okkk....(Has Christianity should be a way of life not just about going to church)...everything around us is bound to change but cos our flesh, well my flesh is so weak i find myself craving for even the most ridiculous thing to show others u re a bubbly christian, u re fashionista, whatever we can call it. in other words just to be involved in it all.....but then i realised all is Vanity......

I understand that their isnt a reason why we shld become boring christians but really who defines what boring is...(Our TV, other words...the world!!!!) However i think it is important to understand the priority of our being.....which first is that our body, spirit being was designed to serve God and fellowship with him....i have just finished reading a book which shook the whole of my being.. i mean if this is the only book u read in your entire life before u die, i would recommend the THE FALL OF Wendy Alec..(The chronicle Brothers)

i mean its such a wonderful revalation into the love of christ for Man, i know their was a bit of fiction to it,but in all its a fantastic insight on how the father loved us and much tells you how Eve was tempted by lucifer, how lucifer fell from heaven....why he much God loved lucifer before he fell...i mean believe me this book is an eye opener.....into what we think is okay to do in the world we live talks about the scams of the Devil on talks about it all....Its a must read......xoxoxoxo.....

ok well before i diverted....i have constantly found it hard to love my neighbours not in the literal form but in other words to love everyone around me....cos if you can do that....then well u re 90% almost there....u would obviously not envy a person u love....or gossip about them...or abuse them....or shout abuses at that guy who has cut u up while driving i mean the world would really be a better place...i mean it is like it says in the Good Book Love Conquers all....

I mean the word Love comes a long i know it is easier to love a person who is sweet and kind to us... but what about those ones who constantly envy, abuse and gossip about u....i mean how do u feel towards those people....cos i know i just want to punch them....(God Help me).....Then i wonder how Jesus felt when he DIED for me on the cross even though i wasnt worth it....i mean those people spat, beat, abandoned, and made jest of him and yet he died to wipea way our iniquity so that we could have a chance of Heaven, so that we could fellowship with his that we could become Covenant Children.....I mean for me that is Overwhelming.....

Can you imagine God in his splendour transformed himself into other to wash away our sins...he left the majesty of his Kingdom above, where cherubs and seraph sang to him day in day out to come down to earth to be spat on and that i could be with him for that u could be with him...(Could you do it....Leave ur mansion whereever u were to the live with people who blasphamed and striped u down).....especially when God had the power to make time still...the lord who created the Earth and everything in it(Psalm 24) but he still did not...cos he loved us.....i couldnt have imagined the pain he went through for i struggle on this earth to perfect my way in Christ i constantly remind myself you cannot give up on urself has he didnt Give up on u....U cant let all that blood!!!! All that Love!!! Go to Waste.....He Paid too much of a Price for me....For u....For us.....Dont You Think!!!!!!